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7 Basic Principles of UI Design

  • calendar December 5, 2022
  • tag UI/UX Design

User interface design creates a significant impact on user experience. A website or app with visually appealing designs will get a higher engagement rate than ones with poorly designed user interfaces.

Paying attention to UI design won’t just improve user experience, it will help with conversion as well. It will keep users engaged with your website.

Do you know a well-designed user interface could improve your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%?

It’s not just about making the interface look more visually appealing. Besides visual design, it’s also imperative to focus on interaction design and information architecture.

Both, user interface and user experience go hand in hand. The UI designer needs to create interfaces that users like to engage with.

Principles of UI Design

Let’s walk you through some basic, but important principles UI designers should focus on:

Focus on users

A good user interface design is one that focuses on users. The interface needs to be easy to use and navigate. The product needs to provide a hassle-free experience, in terms of its usability and functionality. Any confusion or difficulty while navigating will make your users bounce back. Put users at the center and provide them with control. It should not seem like you are forcing them to take a specific action.


Sometimes designers try to come up with something new, but they neglect consistency. Consistent design is important to make the interface understandable for users. It offers predictability, which makes it easy to understand (even without instructions). When designing the user interface of any website or app, the designer needs to focus on four types of consistency: visual consistency, functional consistency, internal consistency, and external consistency.

Prevent unnecessary complexity

If the product is filled with so many unnecessary elements or information, users would get confused and will leave without taking any action. Avoid adding elements in the interface that are of no use and keep it simple. To do that, first, you need to evaluate each and every element of your website/app. This way, you will get an idea about which elements drive how much value. Keep those that are driving the most value and eliminate those that are driving little to no value.


A good user interface design is one with a proper hierarchy. The UI designer needs to organize various elements in such a way that users don’t have a hard time navigating and it doesn’t create any confusion. Maintain a proper visual hierarchy of size, font, and color of different web/app elements like titles, headings, CTAs (call to action), etc.

Reduce cognitive load

Cognitive load refers to the amount of working memory required while reasoning and thinking. Making the UI design simple, intuitive, and understandable can help you minimize cognitive load. Keep the UI information straightforward so that users don’t have to think too much when using your web/app. Minimize the number of actions to perform to achieve a goal. This would reduce cognitive load and improve user experience.


Make sure your product’s UI is designed for all users. When designing a website, app, or any other product, don’t neglect WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Let’s take a look at some important data on web accessibility:

  • 61 million adults in the U.S. live with a disability.
  • 59.6% of people with disabilities live in a household with internet access.
  • 62% of adults with a disability own a laptop or desktop computer.
  • 72% of adults with disabilities own a smartphone.

From the above statistics, one thing is clear following WCAG guidelines can help you reach more people. More and more webmasters have started to pay attention to WCAG guidelines. If your website content fails to satisfy people with disabilities, your competitors will replace you.

Be tolerant of mistakes

While navigating, users will make mistakes. Make sure your interface is tolerant of mistakes. Users can easily undo/redo any action. This way, they will navigate your web/app without fear. It’s not just about mistakes. New users would explore your web/app. It can be frustrating for users when they find it difficult to backtrack.

Final Thoughts

User interface design isn’t just about plenty of visuals in the interface and making it visually appealing. It should be functional and should not have any obstacles. In a nutshell, the user should be at the center, when designing. The ultimate goal is to provide the best user experience.

Looking for an agency that can help you with the UI/UX design of your website or app? Get in touch with us at